Mod'ed V67G's


New member

In an earlier post , you mentioned that Stephen Paul was mod'ing both of your MXL V67G's. What was it that made you decide to have him mod these mics? Were you no longer as happy with them as you originally wrote, or were you just looking to see how much better they could get? I realize that I'll have to ask Stephen for any technical details, but any sort of overview of the mod you're having done would be cool. I'll be eager to hear your impressions of the mics once you have them back. If you don't mind my asking, how much $ is this running? (If you mind, forget I asked...)


That question was asked about a year ago by chessrock, the events that followed turned him into the parriah he is today.

Steven Paul lurks in the designing the future forum at ask at your own risk.:eek:
If I remember right, I think Harvey said in that thread he was sending them to Stephen to "look at" is all. But, I could be wrong, I'm good at that, lol.
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The simple answer is: Stephen didn't do anything to my V67s.

This whole thing grew out of a phone conversation I had with Stephen as to how he could keep the woman who does his circuit busy when she didn't have enough work at times.

I suggested he might consider doing electronic upgrade mods on things like the Marshall mics and some of the Studio Project stuff, when she wasn't busy. I offered to send him my two MXL 603s and my two V67s, and (after clearing it with Alan) the 3 Studio Projects mics Alan had loaned me. Stephen thought that it might be a good idea, so I packed it all off to Stephen for him to look at.

During my phone call to Alan, I strongly urged Alan to sit down and get to know Stephen. I knew Stephen has always wanted to produce a mic under his own name, and I thought Alan and Stephen might be a good match.

Well, they did get together and the rest you know; Stephen is about to manufacture his own Stephen Paul microphones, and Alan Hyatt will distribute the mics for Stephen.

What about my mics? Stephen said that of course he could improve them, but the cost would probably be pretty prohibitive for most people. He was gonna modify them as a favor to me, but since I liked them exactly the way they were, I asked him to just put them back together and send them back to me, as is.

I should have them back either this week or next, and I'm looking forward to using them again.

So that's the whole story of the elusive "Stephen Paul Chinese mic mods" report. It was an idea that didn't work out, for various reasons.
Wow, I wish you would have let him do the mod's to the two V67G's, it would have been the only two in world. Oh well.