mixing, tranzport and alphatrack


New member
Has anyone used these? If not look at the website for info: http://www.frontierdesign.com/

I am thinking that it would be much more convienant to mix with these. I am starting to tire of using the mouse and keyboard for every minor detail. I am using Cubase by the way. Also, it would be convienant when I want to record myself to have access to redo takes of vocals and such, from the tracking room, and not have to keep running back to the control room. That is VERY tiring and unproductive.

My question is two things. First, both of them are about $199, $400 togethor. I think the tranzport would allow the wireless control from the tracking room, but it seems like the alphatrack would be the one to ease up the mixing process and get me away from my keyboard and into a better monitoring position, my basement layout prevent a good monitoring position from the keyboard. So first, is that seem right to you guys, or can that tranzport thing work for mixing too? if you have used it.

Second, is it stupid to pay $400 for these things? I was wondering if at that rate it would be better to just save up for a mixing board or something like that? Any opinions?

Look at my gear upgrade question for more info if that helps

I have the Tranzport and it is absolute genius for controlling your DAW from a distance. I think the limit is 30 feet or something like that.

In my old house I could control Digital Performer on my Mac from the piano, which was down the hall and in the livingroom. Basically two walls for the Tranzport to go through, and it worked fine.

I turned a drummer friend of mine on to the Tranzport and he loves it because he can control his DAW from his drumset.

As far as the Alpha Track, I haven't used it. There is a similar product made by Presonus, which you should also look into:


The Tranzport and FaderPort/AlphaTrack are really two different products that do two different things. I don't think the Tranzport would be a very good substitute for the AlphaTrack, as far as mixing ease.

You might want to get the Tranzport first, use it for a while, and then pick up the Faderport or AlphaTrack. I don't mind mixing with a mouse, but I know that a lot of people would rather have a fader to push around.