mixing tips - metal


New member
I just spent the last few days recording a metal band. Im good friends with the band so it of no cost to them. But now the mixdown time has arrived i feel in need of a few tips. I mostly play and record acoustic music, so this is all new for me. The band use the regular chainsaw distortion guitars, double kick, big drums kit etc. Ive played with some mix ideas but find a slightly unclear sound developing. - ive already done a lot of filtering out of unwanted frequencys, panned things out to seperate them some what and got a ballance i like.
But what ealse would you really say is a must?
Well, I'm sure alot of people around here will have much better advice than me but I'll take a stab since I pretty much do nothing but metal.
First of all I'd get a CD or two that the band likes the sound of and start there with some careful listening. This is probably the most important thing.

As far as tips go....I would say that in metal the kick is very important. It's gotta be happening and it can't be covered up. You'll find "metal" kick drum EQ tips, etc. all over if you search. It's probably gotta be real "clicky" to have any definition through the guitars. Alot of the things you would want to do it sounds like you've already done. At least to some extent. High pass the guitars. You might want a couple of double or triple tracked rhythm guitars if you can. I'm kind of coming up short here on metal specific tips...I'm not sure I really have any???? :D . I still say the most important thing is being familiar with some good reference material and use that when you're mixing.
cheers for that, the kick has been one of the problems, getting it to cut through the guitars. The problem with going to clicky is at times the guitars drop out in some songs, leaving a kick thats to clicky. As for the high pass and double tracking, thats already been done. Cheers