Mixing on Crap speakers, etc...

tommy mas

New member
is it a good idea to test your mixes on all types of speakers, for instance the reallllllly crappy ones that come with your Dell or whatever comp you have????

the thought process being that if it sounds good on crap, it will sound good on a good system..

if your mix sounds really good on your studio monitors, and if it doesnt sound that good on say ipod headphones (which suck!!!) or crappy comp. speakers , should you just trust the studio monitors and not worry that much about how they sound on crappy speakers???

its frustrating when you do a mix, and it sounds great in your car, and on your studio monitors, but then u play the song on a some cheap computer speakers, or to somone on their ipod headphones and it just doesnt sound that good..

sorry if im rambling!!! :rolleyes:
There is no point in getting your mixes to sound good on system that nothing sounds good on. The only reason you are second guessing is because you have control. If you listen to your favorite CD on these crappy systems, you don't notice how bad it sounds, because you aren't questioning the mix.

Make your mix sound good on most reasonable systems and you will be good. Anyway, if you make it sound good on a crap system, you will probably compromise the quality of the mix on a good system.
Burn a test CD and play it on a basic home stereo system, nothing super fancy, just one that sounds pretty good at most volume levels. If your test CD sounds anywhere near as good as a store bought CD then chances are you have gotten it about as good as you are going to. Remember, the average listener hears the whole song, rarely picking it apart to see if it is mixed perfectly.