Mixing more than numerous songs "together"?


New member
Is there a way to say have 4 or 5 different songs with all the tracks, and for it all to sound good and of similiar volumes and quality etc.

Need to get 5 songs mixed pretty quick!
I can't say they'd be professional, but I'd take a crack at one of your tunes if that's what you're looking for!
Is there a way to say have 4 or 5 different songs with all the tracks, and for it all to sound good and of similiar volumes and quality etc.

Need to get 5 songs mixed pretty quick!

Even if all the songs were recorded in the same session, in order to give each song a proper, respectable sound, each song would call for a different mix. This doesn't necessarily mean starting from scratch on each song, but you shouldn't "mix in bulk" and apply the same settings to each instrument across all five songs. Getting the mixes to sound consistent comes with experience and a developed set of ears. Good mastering, however, can take care of some of the inconsistencies between mixes.