Mixing in a room with hanging accoustic guitars.


New member
Hey all,

I like many of you only have one room in which to track and mix. I have a questiong about tracking/mixing in a room that has accoustic guitars on wall hangers. Is this bad? Sometimes if I'm mixing and I hit mute on the mains I can hear my accoustic guitars lightly resonating after the fact. Is this going to throw my perception of frequencies or levels while I'm mixing?
having acoustic guitars in the room while i'm tracking is a lesson i've already learned.

so i guess it would apply to mixing, but i don't have the guitars up on the wall at ear level.
having them on the wall while tracking is nice, if you like the subtle sympathetic vibrations added in to your tracks.

having them on the wall while mixing is a mistake, because ONLY THE FOLKS IN YOUR ROOM are going to hear those sympathetic vibrations. If they in any way alter the way you mix, only when played in your room will it sound "right".

Move them into another room while mixing, unless you want to put a large warning on your CD: "Do not listen to this disk unless you have acoustic guitars hanging on your walls!"
Right now I am mostly recording electric guitar direct so the sympathetic vibration from the accoustic guitars is not a problem. My concerns are with mixing. Are the guitars going to for example give me a false sense of low end due to their vibration while mixing?? I like having them hang on the wall nearby for convienience while recording.
Leave them in the room, if you prefer, while tracking. Take them out of the room when you're finished with the tracking and are ready to concentrate on mixing.