Mixing- Bus?


New member
Hi everyone,

So I know this is a simple question, but I'm barely learning how to mix and do all that fun stuff. What does "BUS" mean and do? I tried doing my research but the explanations are to confusing.

I have a small idea but I think its all wrong so I rather let the pros take care of this really newbie question.

Bus really is a sub mix. lets say you have 8 tracks of drums and 10 tracks of guitars:cool:. You can route them to two stereo submixes in order to control the drums in there own 2 faders and guitars in two faders. instead of 18.
Iron maiden rules.:D
A bus is any point in the system where multiple signals are irretrievably combined, the advantage being that they can be processed and controlled as a single unit.

The main mix is a bus. A submix group is a bus for combined serial processing and level control. Channel auxiliary sends go to a bus for shared parallel effects.