Mixer vs Audio/MIDI interface-Your thoughts?


New member
Im trying to think which would be better. I dont have a band right now but me and my buddy plan to start one within the next 3-6 Months. I want to start to recording drum covers and was just thinking of getting an Audio/MIDI interface like the tascam 1800. But if i get a band and we start recording that wont cut it will it? Recording with like 10 Mic's+ and say 6 tracks.Should i just get a mixer now or stay with the Tascam and use the mixer that comes with Cubase LE5. Your thoughts? If you say get a mixer what type. Im on a slight budget here.
The only thing you may need a mixer for is to run a pa. The 1800 and Cubase are perfect for recording a band. I do it all the time.
For the most part, the functions of an interface like the 1800 and of a mixer are different. The 1800 gives you multiple individual tracks into a computer and a mixer...well...mixes. With a few exceptions, most of the cheapie mixers only give you a couple of outputs to the computer via USB. (Alesis Multimix version 2's be the exception I can thing of).

The other thing to consider is that, for the actual mixing, you generally be far more precise mixing "in the box" than trying to output multiple tracks and handling them manually.

Now, as you move up market, mixers can be very useful in your studio. At very least, they make setting up record levels and creating several monitor mixes for the headphones a much easier process. As you move up market, some of them can act as control surfaces for your DAW and give you a tactile way to input instructions to the automation system. However, mixers that can do this are not in a competitive price bracket to the 1800 you mentioned. Also, the best recording mixers are not necessarily good ones for live use.

So, my advice to you would be to keep your ambitions separate--buy a suitable interface for recording and, when you get to needing a PA, buy something suitable for live use.