Mixer Suggestions


New member
I have 350-400 dollars to spend, I would like some suggestions on which mixer I should get. I would like something with good pre's, and at least 4 xlr inputs.
Thanks alot on any input.

Are Mackie's any good? How about Yamaha?
Vurt, as a former Behinger user, I was just offering a dose of reality. Trying to arouse his sense of "must spend a few more bucks" if you will. :)

Covana, Vurt is right about doing some home work. Same goes for your sound card. Find out what the feature sacrifices are before you buy.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my 3:00 is in the lobby. She says her anger towards her sister's lack of understanding is taking on a lenticular, full bodied substance in a shade of magenta.
I'll recommend a soft jacketed hollow point, I think.:D
Good link, Spin. 822 has on board converters? If so, looks like it would be a good marrige with the TM-D1000.

Covana, check out the "optimization" section on the Tascam site. Good stuff.

getuhgrip said:
Now, if you'll excuse me, my 3:00 is in the lobby. She says her anger towards her sister's lack of understanding is taking on a lenticular, full bodied substance in a shade of magenta.
I'll recommend a soft jacketed hollow point, I think.:D

Good call, GUG! Might want to collect payment right away though before she ends up imprisoned with ceased funds or mistakenly blows her own head off.

This is pretty interesting because I was just getting ready to walk down the street for a bloody mary. Now I'm not so sure!
Crazy bitch just shot my lava lamp!
I gotta get a new gig....this is getting too dangerous!

Ive heard that the Tascam TMD1000 kinda sucks......
Come on, buddy...that's a little vague don't ya think? Seriously, what have you heard? I'm considering this mixer with the tascam soundcard as opposed to the delta66 and no mixer.
Also, do you remember a thread from a month or so back that referenced a card and breakout box with 1/4"/XLR I/O's? There was a link to the mfg site that had a feature/benefit section that detailed the I/O configuration and gave an explaination of thier mixing software. Ring any bells?
I wanted to have another look at their stuff before making a decision, but didn't bookmark the site.

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I have had a Mackie 1202 for 2 years now and it's great.
The thing about the Mackies is they pack them with extra features not found on mixers in the same price range.
The quality is heavy duty and the customer service is great.

As for the mic pres,they are very good,if you want better you'll have to spend that much or more on a dedicated mic pre amp.
I use mine with a large diphram mic,and they sound good even on acoustic work.

The 1202 is pretty much set up for a 4 track recorder,if you have more tracks you will probably want a bigger mixer,but for a 4 track setup it's perfect.

I would recommend you go to all the large manufactures web sites and compare the features on them
If you are looking to find what models are in your price range,a good place to start is samash.com.
Hope this helps,