Mixer question..


New member
Hey all..

so my tascam 34b is in the midst of being serviced and i am trying to figure out how i am going to get a nice signal running into my DAW..

i currently own a presonus firepod and a digi 002. but i have grown weary of these units and find them to be very dull.
i have also come to the conclusion that neither of the two would be very desirable as a fit for my tascam.

i am looking into buying this Mackie Onyx: Mackie - Onyx 1220i

does anyone have an experience with these boards and a reel to reel machine?
any other great ideas? i just can't spend too much cash and would really love to find a replacement for my existing units that also works well with the tascam.. preferably something that plugs into my firewire/usb port as well...
what about a late model before they quit making them carvin studio mate? no faders but does have usb and direct outs/inserts can usually find them for around a 100 or so, just make sure it's a later one with usb.