Mixer Question


New member
I just recieved a PA mixer from a friend for free. it is a biamp model 6702 stereo mixing console. it looks to have 5 mic imputs (are these preamps) if so will this work with my audiophile sound card? If so how do I hook this all up to record guitar and/or vocals? any comments woould be nice, thanks
Hook it up and give it a try. Noise may or may not be a problem based on brand, condition, and other factors.

Mic inputs will likely have mic pre amps. You can adjust the overall output level to match your PC inputs as necessary.

I have used a number of low end mixers for recording and they have never been the weak link in the signal chain. Other factors somehow always seem to be the bigger players (room acoustics, mic quality, performer, guitar amp noise, background noise like A/C, etc). It cost nothing but a little time to try it out.
