Mixer Insert-Direct out question...


New member
I was reading around the net and found out that the insert point can be used as a direct out, to send individual channel output to the sound card, but the mixer I'm planning to buy, the Yamaha MG 10/2c has only 2 insert points so ill be able to send only 2 individual output tracks, is that true ? Is there any way I can send 4 individual tracks which my delta 44 supports with this same model? Or should I spring for a higher model... Please let me know...
Well, you might be able to do the following with some mild control trickery and wiring...

Send the signal from channels 1 & 2' insert jacks, respectively, to inputs 1 & 2 on the Delta. Then, turn down their master volume knobs (big white ones at the bottom) - as far as I know, you will still get the signal out the insert jack (since it *should* be way before its channel fader). Then, for tracks 3 and 4, pan them hard left & right, and use the L&R main outs of the board to go to Delta channels 3 & 4.

That's about the best I can suggest, as it appears your auxiliary bus is a single mono channel.
Oh so that would do the trick eh ? I was thinkin of maybe going for a higher spec MG 12/4 which has 4 inserts and ALT 3/4 but i'm on a budget and if this works 100 % then...
Yeah it'll work. I do the same with my Behringer Eurorack desk atm.

The faders are just used for monitoring (I don't record the main outputs), all the signal is PF, controlled with gain.