Mixer Headphone Output to Headphone Amp

Thanks for those tips!

1. Power adapter came with the Amp!
2. Headphone on Mixer's headphone output was perfectly good
3. Headphone Amp from Mac output, perfect!
4. Another headphone Amp, I'll check it out soon!
Many thanks !
1) If haven't tried yet, start with the headphones volume on the mixer at zero, HA-400 output Level at about 12 o'clock, and slowly increase the headphones control on the mixer.
** This resolved the issue, but it wasn't loud enough

2) I did try to output from "control room" output & the main output ", unfortunately still the same
"** This resolved the issue, but it wasn't loud enough"

Aha!" ^ That tell me that it is the headphone amplifier that is at fault. Clean but quiet tell me the amp is running out of steam as you demand more drive current.


What are you using for headphones (brand and model) and do you know what the ohms are?
Behringer UFX1204 (the mixer), headphone output 100ohm.

Behringer HA400 (the headphone amp) , 12Volt 80ohm.

---------- Update ----------

Do you mean the Headphone Amp was something wrong?
Behringer UFX1204 (the mixer), headphone output 100ohm.

Behringer HA400 (the headphone amp) , 12Volt 80ohm.
The "headphones" like shown below......

ex: AKG K141 600 ohms

You may need to look at the instructions/specs for the ohms rating.

Do you mean the Headphone Amp was something wrong?
I believe that may have been what Dave was hinting at.


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The "headphones" like shown below......

ex: AKG K141 600 ohms

You may need to look at the instructions/specs for the ohms rating.

Yes Mark, I suspect there is a problem with the amplifier or more likely the power supply. Can the amp be run on battery? I have been trying in vain to get an output/load specc' for the HA400. I have resorted to asking Maplin. Let you know their response.

(apologies for the mess! I am waiting for the hospital to have me back to fix my eye..Hopefully! )

I believe that may have been what Dave was hinting at.

Yes Mark, I suspect there is a problem with the amplifier or more likely the power supply. Can the amp be run on battery? I have been trying in vain to get an output/load specc' for the HA400. I have resorted to asking Maplin. Let you know their response.
No provision to run on a battery. 12v 150ma wall wart.
Indeed, when I used it for (from) Mac output with Max volume on both, sound quality still acceptable! But when sound from Mixer's (as audio interface via USB) headphone output (50-70%), sound started clipping on headphone (HA400 70%). Have no solution after googled for a few days.
The specification for the Berry amp-
The specifications are as follows; Input Type - 1/4" TRS connector, stereo Impedence - 100 KOhm Max Input Level - +15dBu Output Type - 1/4" TRS connector, stereo Impedence - Approx. 80 Ohm Max Output Level - Approx. 40mW in 100 Ohm

40mW equates to 2 volts rms into 100 Ohm cans. Since most headphones deliver about 100dB SPL for one volt input the HA400 should be quite loud and clean on most sets but maybe a very low or very high impedance would struggle.

Make, model and impedance of the headphones PLEASE!

Dave, give up. OP has had plenty of help and is incapable or unwilling to be rational. He was asked for the brand and model of the headphones and he gave us the mixer and amp. The request was repeated in terms that could not be misinterpreted and he gave us just the impedance. There are plenty of indications that the unit is faulty, but he just plows through as if connecting it yet again to the same input and output devices is going to make some kind of difference. As much as I want to help I don't see any good reason to waste my time on this guy.
Dave, give up. OP has had plenty of help and is incapable or unwilling to be rational. He was asked for the brand and model of the headphones and he gave us the mixer and amp. The request was repeated in terms that could not be misinterpreted and he gave us just the impedance. There are plenty of indications that the unit is faulty, but he just plows through as if connecting it yet again to the same input and output devices is going to make some kind of difference. As much as I want to help I don't see any good reason to waste my time on this guy.

"We shall never surrendah! We shall.....Yeah! Think you are right! Mind you I am going to buy one of those HP amps from Maps the morrow.
Once I have checked it out I shall see if son wants it in France and if not donate it to a worthy cause here.

Dave, give up. OP has had plenty of help and is incapable or unwilling to be rational. He was asked for the brand and model of the headphones and he gave us the mixer and amp. The request was repeated in terms that could not be misinterpreted and he gave us just the impedance. There are plenty of indications that the unit is faulty, but he just plows through as if connecting it yet again to the same input and output devices is going to make some kind of difference. As much as I want to help I don't see any good reason to waste my time on this guy.
Sort of agree with this, but the headphone amp supposedly works "OK" with his Mac laptop, so I more question how he's setting levels through the chain with the mixer. Easiest thing to do would be an exchange with the seller for a new headphone amp at this point.
But alas, I'm done here, only so much you can do....... :)
Mind you I am going to buy one of those HP amps from Maps the morrow.
Once I have checked it out I shall see if son wants it in France and if not donate it to a worthy cause here.

The Behry HA400 amp is a pretty good little unit for the money. I got it to use with a Tascam US1800 that has a low headphone output. I did just try it with the headphones out on a Behry mixer and it worked fine unless I maxed out the phones output on the mixer :eek:.