mixer FX vs ones on Cubase


New member
Hello I am getting a new mixer and I would like to know if it is worth spending more to get one with digital FX (reverb, compression etc.) or are the FX on Cubase good enough?
I have been told you need lots of memory etc. to add FX in real time, is this the case?

it really depends on how much memory you have in your computer. I got a 2.5 GHz processor and 512MB memory, and even if I mix down a song with 25 tracks or so (each with two effects, wich are automized), not even half of the memory is used. It's nice to have some effects on the mixer, especially those you use very often. But then again, if you recorded the wet signal from the mixer, you cannot change the recorded effects anymore.

In terms of "quality" of the effects, I think there's no difference between the software and hardare (mixer) effects. I therefore think you could save some money and get a mixer without effects.
I'd stick to Cubase effects whenever possible - you may need to pull them back (for example) after you hear the final mix. Simple to do in Cubase, but if you put them in with the mixer, you'll have to rerecord the track.

I found that out the hard way putting my effects into Acid and then porting over to Cubase. A real pain to fix it.

If you won't be using the mixer live, I'd opt for saving some bucks...