Mixer For Firepod??


New member
Well I have a Firepod.. and i seen some people use mixers with their Firepods is that a good idea?? or the Pres from the Firepod Better off?

Is there mixers out there that can work good along side a firepod to get that "analog" feeling?? Like to use the Faders and eqs? Or maybe can one used for controling faders in my DAW(im using Nuendo) so that i dont have to be using my mouse all the time.

If there is something that can do this I would appreciate if you tell me because im looking to get something like that.
You are talking about a lot of different things.

Forget marketing nonsense about " that analog sound". Usually when someone tells you that they either have no idea what they are talking about, are trying to sell you something or both.

The firepod's mic pre's are analog, it doesnt get more analog than that.

The only reason you might want to use an external mixer is if you want to get more than 8 channels of audio into your firepod, at the expense of them not being on discrete tracks.

Regarding using faders to control your daw with, you might want to look at the Mackie MCU or the Euphonix MC5
You are talking about a lot of different things.

Forget marketing nonsense about " that analog sound". Usually when someone tells you that they either have no idea what they are talking about, are trying to sell you something or both.

The firepod's mic pre's are analog, it doesnt get more analog than that.

The only reason you might want to use an external mixer is if you want to get more than 8 channels of audio into your firepod, at the expense of them not being on discrete tracks.

Regarding using faders to control your daw with, you might want to look at the Mackie MCU or the Euphonix MC5

Yeah how about the Behringer BCF2000??
give it a try...I dont want to be lynched for reccomending behringer gear, but some people are happy. Look in nuendo and see if someone's made a mixermap for that yet, itll be easier than starting from scratch
give it a try...I dont want to be lynched for reccomending behringer gear, but some people are happy. Look in nuendo and see if someone's made a mixermap for that yet, itll be easier than starting from scratch

What i was referring to before was using a mixer like this with my firepod... bad idea?

What site do you think has those maps?
Im not too sure where or how to get the mixermaps for nuendo, Im pretty sure it has some included in the app itself.

Putting a mixer in front of your firepod like that only adds more amplifiers, more noise, more distortion and limits the frequency response of the system. Except in the case of extremely good eq's found on consoles that cost about 1000$ per channel or more, you'd be WAY better off not engaging the eq circuit.

The only reason I could see sticking that mixer in front of your firepod is if you had 12 mics you needed to record at once or something, and even then it would be a poor choice.
It seems to me that most people buy a product like the Firepod for convenience. So they don't have to bother with an external mixer.