Mixer/Delta Hookup


New member
Hey everyone it's me again. I just received my yamaha MG10/2 today and I'm trying to run it into the M-Audio Delta1010LT. However i'm not getting any input into the software or even at all so it seems. Here's how I have it connected:

Delta Ins 3/4 --> Yamaha ST outs
Microphone ---> Yamaha Mic port 1

I selected Ins 3/4 as the In source in Adobe Audition, but it neither receives the signal nor is it showing any signs of life in the MAudio mixing console. I'm probably just doing something dumb here as i'm really new to this all. If someone can correct my mistake I would be forever grateful. Been trying to get this up and running for several days now. Running out of money and patience. Thanks again for everyone who's been really supportive with me thus far. Hoping to hear something soon.. :confused:

first try this..
yamaha insert jack to a delta input.
also in your software make sure you tell the software which input
and output drivers to use.
Do you have the Delta control panel running? I think it should be running in the background...it is with mine. When audio is present, you'll see the meters indicating input. In the Delta control panel, you can increase the level inputs, timing and routing.

Do you have a second audio card? The settings for this might be getting in the way. Try to get it out of the picture if possible.

I'd go back and verify the installation of the drivers and Delta apps. . When you get this card running properly, you're going to love it. Sorry to hear you're struggling.
You mean hook input to input? I tried some of the others but no dice still. In Audition it's set to INs 3/4, which the yamaha connection is hooked to. Still no clue where I'm going wrong.
Trying to get there.. :cool: Already took the other card out completley. The card works as far as output goes. Its just getting the signal in there to record that seems to be the trouble. I'm guessing I'm just not sending the right signals or such. I'm positive the Ins are correctly plugged into the Delta, just not sure where I should connect the other end for the Outs coming from the mixer to the Ins of the Delta.
its prolly your settings in the delta control panel.
if i remember on one of the tabs is monitor to be checked.
i would search thru this forum. its been detailed many many times.
YAY!! I FINALLY got it working, apparently it just wasn't getting enough volume input. (the master volume was down too low) Phew. That's a big sigh of relief. Thanks to everyone for their continuing support. I was about to strangle myself. :)