Mixer/Control Surfaces - I need advice!

Something old & something digital new.

KiFF BluEsalso said:
My mixer is just something I like to stick a signal into and send it out the direct outs into the computer. I sometime want to add some type of live effect to a voice or what ever and using the mixer allows that. Plus I can add several sets of headphones for listing thru the mixer. My Firepod gives me 8 inputs with pre amps. So no I don't use the Mackie for pre amps. I just enjoy playing around with the darn thing for different sound options. I could run everything right into the Firepod straight and use Cubase to do about everything. With me it is just a hobby and challenge. I read all I can about recording and most of it sound darn confusing. However to learn anything we all must get hands on involvement. Just start easy and build a day and a dollar at a time. They say have a flexible plan..........meaning plan on things going wrong and when it happens.........say that’s my plan and go on. If something turns out right you can work it in.