Mixer advice needed - routing click track to separate outputs


New member
I am looking for an audio interface with multiple outputs (at least 4) so that I can route specific channels to the main mix and other channels to another pair of outputs. For example, I might want to rout a specific track or tracks only to the drummers monitor but eliminate these track from the main mix.

I am looking for a mixer that has at least 4 inputs. USB or FireWire doesn't matter to me as long as the device is compatible with my Macbook Pro and Logic Express 8 (soon to be upgraded to Logic Studio 9). My budget is under $250.

Any recommendations? thanks in advance!
I am looking for an audio interface with multiple outputs (at least 4) so that I can route specific channels to the main mix and other channels to another pair of outputs. For example, I might want to rout a specific track or tracks only to the drummers monitor but eliminate these track from the main mix.

I am looking for a mixer that has at least 4 inputs. USB or FireWire doesn't matter to me as long as the device is compatible with my Macbook Pro and Logic Express 8 (soon to be upgraded to Logic Studio 9). My budget is under $250.

Any recommendations? thanks in advance!

Any advice? I am willing to up my budget to $350
Since no one is answering your question I'll throw in my $.02.

I don't know Logic or Mac, but I do know that interfaces usually have mixing software. For example, I have a firestudio with 8 analog outs (10 if you include mains) + a headphone jack. So basically 6 stereo outs. I can create 6 different mixes, which can include any of the inputs on the firestudio plus any of the tracks coming from a DAW, and send a different mix to each set of stereo outs.

So maybe try and narrow down your search to a couple interfaces and start asking questions on the manufacturers web site.
Zoom R16

Isn't the Zoom R16 something you are looking for? From what I can see (with my little knowledge) this should suit you.

You could also take a look at it's big brother the R24.
Isn't the Zoom R16 something you are looking for? From what I can see (with my little knowledge) this should suit you.

You could also take a look at it's big brother the R24.

Wow! The R16 and R16 are very nice devices, but unfortunately do not meet my needs. No MIDI and limited outputs.

Here is what I am now looking at:


It is more expensive than what I am willing to pay, but probably worth it.
Update: I ended up buying the Presonus Firestudio Project for $499. I have had some challenges with the 'Universal Control' freezing on my Mac but will be giving the device another week before I think about trying something else.