Mixdown to CD-RW?


New member

Is it possible to mix-down to CD-RW and play it elsewhere? i.e. i want to burn an audio cd on to CD-RW media and listen to it on other speakers (other location)..


Most audio only CD players can't read CD-RW (the medium isn't reflective enough). 'Tis best to stick with CD-R if you plan to play the CD on a standard CD player.
It's usually not possible, but a friend of mine has the same TASCAM external CDRW drive and we can exchange CDRW discs without a problem. These discs will not play on my internal CDRW drive. No sound out of the headphone jack on the front end, and no recognition by Windows CDPLAYER.exe of the disc as an audio disc in the drive. But my TASCAM CDRW-5000 plays it with no complaint.
Hi DrStawl,
I have found that an Imation internal 4x4x20 CD-RW will read the CDRW recorded on my Tas CD-RW5000 if I finalize it. You can rip it or play it. Also there is one Sony CD Jukebox that will play them. (model unknown) But it is here in one of the post.

Just F.Y.I.

Yeah- one member related that he can play audio CDRWs in his automobile CD player!
I haven't even seen one of those that will play CDRs reliably.... even a Kenwood multidisk remote system costing big bucks.
My internal CDRW drive isn't hooked to a soundcard anyway.
Gina has no such connection.
A similar thread going on in the Mixing forum. I metioned that I have seen portable units with stickers stating that they now play CD-RW. I saw them at Target for $60-70. I think it was Philips or Sony, though, God help us, it may have been an Emerson Research.

Peace, Jim