Mix This! Rock song by SPOV atx---FUNSIZE --11 tracks

Manor Music

New member
We sat down to write some new tunes yesterday...
We came up with our newest song...FUN-SIZE

I recorded the drums first...no metronome...
just me trying to level out 7 drum microphones as I play/record all by myself

Then I came up with a little guitar riff...
my bass player wrote and sang the lyrics.

Eleven tracks...plus my mix makes an even dozen.

Then I ran over each track separately.

My mix includes automation, erasing parts, cleaning up a few misplaced guitar notes and replicating a few extra vocals at the end of the song.

I thought the bass was off-key on one part...so I copied another similar part nearer to the end of the song and pasted it over the off-key stuff

I used a few Cubase VSTs to add delay and reverb.
This was our 6th mix...(Funsize6)


  • bass.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 64
  • kick drum.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 29
  • lead guitar.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 26
  • OH left.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 180
  • OH rt.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 34
  • rhythm guitar.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 28
  • snare.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 65
  • tom flr.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 26
  • tom left.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 132
  • tom rt.mp3
    3.6 MB · Views: 36
  • vocals.mp3
    2.8 MB · Views: 48
  • funsize 7.mp3
    1.5 MB · Views: 66
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I suggest listening to the final mix I made ...
I had a few mistakes on the drums...had to eliminate a few seconds here and there.

I also cut the song short...somehow i didn't quite end the song correctly

my hardest part was mixing good vocals...let me know what you come up with.
I was not sure to even sing rigt at the beginning...it can always be erased but I used it in my mix.

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Here's my take on the song:

i've done some editing, especially i shortened the ending, muted the lead guitar on some parts, and lots more tiny stuff.
what i did not do, is edit out individual notes and drum hits that were out-of-place/distorted, and fix the vocals tuning and timing- i just didnt have all the time in the world.

in the end on the stereo bus there is some general light compression n' EQ, along with tape excitation and general limiting.
hope you like it, let me know what you think, or if you want a better WAV version with a few changes perhapes.

and BTW, how can i upload MP3's directly to the forum, like you did on your original post?

I thank you for the mix....my guitar did need some help...the second "lead" guitar was going out of tune caused I was going heavy on the tremolo...good call there

I also played the drums...
I actually recorded the drums first...sang the song in my head as I played along...

then I added the guitar, the bass and then a second guitar....kinda wore myself out and let the quality tale a back seat...but it's punk...at least with those lyrics my bass player wrote and sang.

anyway we did what we had to do to get another song written...it isnt always pleasant or comfortable but rock and roll is no walk in the park either...


to post a tune directly...just start your own thread.
Here is a screenshot of the last mix of FUN-SIZED..
Cubase LE 5 came with my ZOOM r-16 recorder/interphase/controller.
I cut out all the dead space on the toms and other stuff.
it was a fly-by the seat of our pants deal...mainly to write and record our first blueprint for our own reference

liked the mix...I ommkitted the rockstar ending on my mix along with putting a complete break in the the middle of the song, you kept my so-called drumroll
(I dont claim to be a pro drummer)
Here's my take on the song:

i've done some editing, especially i shortened the ending, muted the lead guitar on some parts, and lots more tiny stuff.
what i did not do, is edit out individual notes and drum hits that were out-of-place/distorted, and fix the vocals tuning and timing- i just didnt have all the time in the world.

in the end on the stereo bus there is some general light compression n' EQ, along with tape excitation and general limiting.
hope you like it, let me know what you think, or if you want a better WAV version with a few changes perhapes.

and BTW, how can i upload MP3's directly to the forum, like you did on your original post?
