Mix feedback - Low Friends in High Places


New member
This is an old school bluesy number I came up with playing around with open G tuning.

I've really struggled trying to put get a good guitar tone down, either amped or plug in. Any critiques welcomed. Even though I'm not much of a singer. Thanks in advance for listening.

I though the overall mix sounded pretty good the singing you mentioned came across well, what didn't was some of the odd stuff happening guitar wise. The rhythm guitar sounds pleasant enough, but the parts where you've gone for something a little different to the regular lead playing 1.37 onward is suffering from timing issues and sounds like it escapes from the correct key in respect of a few notes here and there. It's not out by huge amount and is most certainly worth nailing. The lead tone could be creamier, the faster runs of notes could be phrased better around the bluesier intervals you have at your disposal bearing in mind the chord progression. The drums could come up a bit and have more bite, the bass could be bouncier with a little more accentuation by way of it having a more noticeable pull off the start of each bar to help it jog along more. I'ts coming along, certainly worth polishing. Thanks for the listen. Feel free to disregard as you see fit.

Thanks for your time Tim. Your correct, I didn't spend enough time on the lead fast solo dialing in the right tone as I should have. You've given me some good points to chew on as far as bass and drums.
I thought the distorted guitar sounded good. I think it should be double tracked. I like those little accents on the clean guitar. Those were cool. Bass sounded good and it was sitting at a good level.

Vocal sounds clear for the most part. It gets lost in places. It's lost big time in the first chorus. It's also pretty dry. I like dry in general, but that was *really* dry.

Yeah the little bridge thingy after the second chorus is pretty shaky timing-wise. There was a little timing gak just before then too - like around 1:33. Timing also gets a little shaky around 2:09 - 2:10.

Drums sound canned. Not horrible canned. But canned.