Mix down music then record vocals??


New member
whats up people!

Question, When trying to save CPU power, do you mix down your music to sterio wav and then record vocals? so you don't have 10 tracks of drums 5 tracks of keyboard, and then try to sqeeze i the vocals in there.

SO how do you do it?

btw I have a Dell 512 ram 2.4 gigs, and it still slows down after about 10 tracks with very little effects.

if your dell slows down after 10 tracks its not configged properly.
search under my name, and read the many tips ive posted in the past year.
particularly dma etc. a 1.3ghz system a friend has will do 40 tracks.
something is wrong.
if you got questions after searching the tips. just ask and i'll try and help.
Yup, something has to be wrong. If your track count is low with almost no effects it is probably hard-drive related, most likely the DMA settings in the Hardware Manager.
I get 50+ tracks when using no effects, and 24-36 with effects, and about 16-24 with a half dozen Soft-Synths.
From the audio engineering point of view:

It would limit you to do it that way, unless you're able to save your tracks incase you need them again later. You might find that something needs changing once you start mixing your vocals. If all you have is one mixdown track, you lose the ability to alter individual instruments.
Definitely it limits your abilities. If you do need to bounce down the tracks, keep all the original tracks in place, and simply mute the tracks, and disable the effects, but don't delete or alter anything in those tracks. That way if you need to go back, you can just rearm everything and pick-up where you were before you bounced down the first time.
i use to do it all the time.

its no different than doing a submix, so that the vocalist can hear the music in a well mixed manner.

in Sonar, you can archive tracks. I would do a rough mix, and then archive the original tracks as to lighten the burden on my PC. I had a 900mhz AMD back then and after about 16 tracks with light effects, I had to start resorting to trickery.