MIX CRITIQUE - "Falling"

The snare is a bit loud, but I like the snap you are getting on it. I really like the harmonies (I am partial to harmony vocals). There is a little lower range mud between the bass and guitars. The kick is buried.

Great start, really nice song! I am listening as I type, and I am at the twin lead. Nice harmonies there too!

Overall, a little tweaking and you're there!
Cool, thanks Rok for the response. And for the nice song compliments! Yeah I'm having trouble to get that kick to come out... in fact I always do have troubles. I'll have to see what I can cut on those guitars to clear up some mud, maybe that will aid the kick drum as well.

I was unsure about the amount of delay on the vocals, but I think I like it more now then I did last night.

Thanks again! Nick
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One trick I use to bring out the kick is to high pass the bass guitar between 100-150hz, depending on when it finally pops out in the mix. If it's a little too snappy or clicky (is that a word?) I'll nudge the 50hz range on the kick itself.

The guitars could probably be trimmed on anything below 250..
I tried out your suggestions last night, but I had to do it with headphones. Through the cans it sounded like things were working, now I'll have to give it a listen through the real chain.
Yeah, I have to burn a cd and take it all around the house, putting it in about 5 different systems plus the car. I don't have a decent pair of monitors. That all changes next time I go home, though. My MR-8 got toasted due to my inattention and plugging it into a 220 outlet. :eek:
Mama gave me a $2000 budget to get a new one, so I am going to upgrade as much as I can.

Post it back up, I'd like to hear what you did.
clicky (is that a word?)

I think it's spelled "cliquey", as in: "The bass drum won't let any new people into it's social group; it's really cliquey." :D

The song is pretty good. I'm a big fan of the cowbell. Although some of the guitars got a little country for my taste.
Thanks Steve for the compliments. Thats me on the cow bell!:D It's too bad to here about your MR-8s Rokket, are those Mackies? Last year I made the jump from my wharfedales to Event ASP8s which was a great idear.

Anyways enough small talk! I made some changes and am uploading to soundclick as I type this. I did everything you said Rokket plus i boosted the kick in the 3200hz region (kinda cliquey). At first listen I thought cutting some of the lows on the guitars made them too thin, but after more listening they sound full again. Less mud in the mix now although I'm still a little concerned with the bass (boosted at 147hz and cut below) as far as muddiness goes. Anyways: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=644522

It's "Falling Revised 1"
Take the boost out at 147hz.

One rule I always follow, and keep in mind in recording most rules in recording are made to be broken, is that it is always better to cut than to boost. Remember that an eq is boosting and cutting by raising the dB level of the frequency you are effecting. Boosting usually (but not always) introduces mud.

This mix is much better. The guitars seem just as full and are not stepping all over the bass. But it still sounds a bit like the bass is stepping on the kick a bit.

Lemme give it one more listen specifically for the kick...

Yep, they are occupying the same freq range, and the bass is winning. Take out that boost at 147hz and see what happens.
Again, uploading as I type. thanks for stickin with me here. This is really helping my mixing abilities. Break the rules, I can do that! I got rid of the boost and actually cut some more lows from the bass, it then sounded a tad to quiet so I i raised the level 1db and panned it 6% left just to make it cut through a little. The kick came out alot better, or at least in my standards. Let me know what you think, give it to me raw don't sugar coat it.

Excellent, I can do that. I'll have another test for you shortly. I'm mixing a new song now with alot more tracks too. Thanks again
Yeah, I have to burn a cd and take it all around the house, putting it in about 5 different systems plus the car.

Thats what I have to do if I'm serious about judging a mix too. I don't trust the low end I hear on anything except my car, cuz nothing else I listen with is capable of reproducing those ultra low freq's :cool:

On my headphones the mix sounds really good to me. There's a spot at around 3:10 where I think the vox are loud, the part kinda powers up right there, and it sticks out more than I think it should. Your singing is good, you hit those pitches dead nuts on, and the harmonys sound great! The bass sounds smooth, the guitars and highs sound good. The kick sounds quiet to me but like I said Im not in a position to judge lows now.
Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming help. I have a new one being mixed right now, so that will be uploaded soon. Stay posted!