Mix comparison - it's driving me crazy!


New member
Hey if anyone would have a listen to 2 versions of this song, I'd really appreciate any type of feedback. Sometimes I think the original sounds better and sometimes i think the new mix sounds better - a guy I know added beats but he had me bounce down all my tracks from Reason and Garageband and then he redid the mix in Live. I have paid him some money and can't decide if i want to use the stuff he did or not. I'm driving myself crazy A B-ing them. Any thoughts?

Here is the original:

Here is the most recent mix:

There is really nothing here. But that being said the second version - the Pro mix - is better to me. At least you can understand the meager lyrics. Hope some dancing goes with this. Too bad no one knows how to play a guitar or something.
Personally I like part A of the original mix and part B of the most recent mix.
Feel the extra beats he put in part A of the recent mix tend to clutter up and detract from the vocal.
The stronger beat in part B of the recent mix tends to build on the song a bit better.
