mix comments!

warmth is good

New member
hello folks, got a new track up on my myspace at the moment clicky and I would love to hear your comments on the mix and any other comments.

EDIT: meant to say, the main thing i'd like you folks to comment on, is whether or not I should keep 'track 01' with the intro that it has at the moment (which will be the case on an LP), or cut to the chase and get straight to the song for the sake of a myspace audience.

I have two versions of 'track 01' up, v2 I think is the best mix, for which I used the 'mix in mono, before panning' approach, and I am quite happy with it. I've used very little EQ on the mix, so any suggestions as to improving any element of the track would be appreciated and welcomed.

For those interested, my recording gear includes;
Studio Projects B1
Taylor 210e
Simon and Patric C6
Mapex M Birch kit
Delta 44

All the parts are written and played by myself, however I don't have a bass guit, hence the lack of bass tones!! Also, ive only been playing drums for about a year so that explains the lack of tightness in parts.

So, again, any comments appreciated.

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ok, so you'd take it out for the make benefit of a myspace audience...I think I'm leaning that way myself. thank you for your input my friend. any other comments regarding the mix would also be welcomed!

Do you have an electric guitar?

For bass, I would suggest getting the cleanest sound possible with your amp (or go direct I suppose) and play bass with it, then lower it an octave with your DAW. I've used this method with decent results.

I like your stuff. You've got a nice voice.
thanks man, appreciate it.

regarding playing bass with a guitar, i tried that a few years ago and although it does the job, i dont think you can replace an actual bass guit sound, and i dont have one!

the intro would probably work in the context of the album, but i think there's a chance you'd lose idle visitors with it on your myspace page. definitely make a mix without the first minute, and you'll grab visitors straight away.

also, i don't know if it's just here, but the html is all over the place on that page, in both IE and firefox!
zoiks - thanks for pointing that out, the html MAY have been showing during a little updating that went on a couple hours ago, but I only recently realised that the page looked different in ie...but as far as i know, it should be better now!

With regard to the song, I keep changing my mind on it...as you say, the longer intro may turn some folks away before the songs even started....but from an artistic point of view i like it...hmm...

zoiks if you've got any comments on the actual mix i'd love to hear em!

Damn, wanted to listen because I liked the last tune of yours I heard but your page crashes my browser every time I try to listen. Probably just my own quirky system.
God damnit! The site design is pretty new so I'm sure it's my prob, not yours...

Good to hear from you Tim, I was hoping you'd be kicking about and be able to give your opinion on it as well! Could I ask is it firefox or internet explorer that you use as a browser? As far as I know, my friend designed the site with firefox in mind, and so we have found a few probs with it in IE...but they will be fixed tomorrow i'm sure (its 2.50AM here at the mo)

If you like I could send you the track via email?
Keep The Intro

I like the intro,
Let the people who can appreciate good music wait for the chase. Good start and the music overall is very good. I say stick with the intro but I like to draw things out. Either way you'll make the right choice.

Boy Andre
Endra Boy Entertainment
i agree with endraboy to an extent...in the context of an album, the intro will no doubt work and i love a song to build and change. you clearly know what you want from your songs, warmth, and that's to be admired and certainly not an ability you want to lose.

but it depends what you want from myspace. if it's to showcase your music to people who already know you, keep it as is. if it's to try and grab new people, then that's why radio edits exist!

i'll take a more objective listen to that mix and the others later on...
Sounds very good for myspace. Don't really get the fullness out of music on here. I assume it sounds better yet though on cd.

Cool song.

Ditto on the intro. I'd keep it, but make it a seperate track on an album. Those that want it get it, those that don't don't. But this is not my style of music, so what do I know:)

Thanks for the comments folks....i'm edging towards taking the intro out for the sake of the myspacers at the moment...obviously i can see both sides of the argument - from an artistic pov, I would keep it in...but I reckon it may not be worth losing the folks that may be turned off by it, who may otherwise find something they liked in my music. It's not a big deal at the end of the day, but it's cool to chat with like minded people about it anyway, so thanks for your input folks.

If anyone would like to comment on the actual mix of the track I'd really appreciate that. I think I mentioned I mixed using in-ear headphones :eek: but this is all I have available, and so I have avoided the temptation of using any EQ as what sounds good on the headphones is no doubt completely the opposite on a decent monitoring system. Thanks again for the comments so far!

i like the stereo image created on track 3. all the tracks have a nice full acoustic sound which i like.

have you ever thought about using a synthpad sound in there? could be worth trying something very very low in the mix; i mean, something barely audible but it could bulk out the lower frequencies that you're missing out on with no bass. just an idea, maybe a bad one, but an idea nonetheless!
zoiks - It's something I've thought about, but to be honest I feel that if I was to add anything else to my sound I'd rather have someone else who knows there stuff do it, instead of me learning another instrument or program! I definitely love acoustic instruments though, and a strings section (real or synth) is something that I would hope to add at some point!

I'm looking for folks to play live with me at the moment so I'll hopefully have additions to some tracks soon, and some virtuoso drum tracks.

Hey I like your sound by the way, not bad going with only an SM57!
Nice work. I'd shorten the first section to just one phrase (15 seconds or so) to make a distinctive intro but without dragging. I like the ac gtrs' sound and their L and R panning. Also a nice touch that the main and BG vocals sound different in tone, though the same voice. A bit of subtle vocal pitch correction (for instance at 3:03 or 3:17) would add to the quality. Whatever nitpicky +s/-s, it's a moving performance.