Missing timebandit.dll


New member
Just got the demo of Cubase to compare it to Sonar (not looking for any convincing either way) but it won't start because i am missing the file timebandit.dll...From my research it seems that this is a common problem, but nobody seems to care about helping you out of this pitfall after they get out of it... Working on a PC by the way..
I'm guessing this file timebandit.dll is used to crack software. Sounds like it must artificially reset your computers time so that a time limited shareware product doesn't ever run out of time. Just guessing but it sounds like you have a cracked copy.

Edit: I checked my own computer and the file is there. Looks liked I guessed wrong but it does appear this file checks for certain conditions and if not met it shuts down the program. I'm still guessing you have a cracked copy though and if not just grab a demo program from another site and reinstall it.
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Well this shouldn't be a cracked copy as it is a demo off of CNET downloads (i think)...I guess I'll just try to download the demo from another site like you suggusted... Its probably to make sure that the demo can't be used after a certain time period or something... Well hope it's worth all the hassle in the end... Thanks for the reply!