missing anything????


New member
I'm getting ready to invest in a new desktop since the lap top has been pronounced DOA. The one I'm looking at having built has

Duel core processor 3.2 or 3.5
4 gig Ram
160 gig hard drive 7200
two firewire ports, one for soundcard (Onxy 1640) the other for the external hard drive.
two USB ports for iKeys

It's going to cost around $1000.00. Am I missing anything or should I go ahead a green light the build? Am I spending too much.
I run the 930 dual core & 2gb of ram, and haven't even come close into using all of that. I used to think I should upgrade my mb & upgrade to 4gb but after testing out a system with 4gb, it didn't make a difference. I suggest you save a little bit of money & just get 2gb instead of 4gb. That should be plenty of speed for you. I myself have a 160gb and a 300gb seagate drives & those have plenty of room for me, but that all depends on what your storing etc... If the HD you will be getting isn't a SATAII, I suggest getting that. You'll notice a nice increase in speed with the current SATA drives. You could get a faster 10,000rpm or a 15,000rpm sata II drive and you'll notice a even bigger increase in speed. Will you be using a built on video card or buying one seperate? Some people say that video cards don't matter at all on speed, but I say they do. A good video card will help take work off the CPU. I spent about $800 on my system and it's a pretty decent system. Could be faster in some area's but it's pretty quick.... 3ghz pentium 930, 2gb ddr, 460gb total on 2 drives, 5200 geforce(could be faster), M-Audio 24/96, HP lightscribe DVDRW, CDRW/DVD-Rom combo drive, then the misc stuff like wireless keyboard, 550w PSU, monitor, wires etc...
I disagree about the RAM. you should get as much as you can afford if you like virtual instruments, those tend to eat up all of your RAM and then politely ask for more. It will not impact your system speed much overall, but any program that likes to load up stuff into RAM will utilize all of it and you will see a nice performance boost in those particular apps (like any virtual intruments that use large samples, Steinberg's The Grand 2, BFD, DFH Superior, etc.).
I've used Sonar, Nuendo 3, Cubase SX, Samplitude, all with a whole lot of plug ins running at one time, and haven't seen my memory dip under 1gb. I haven't tried the VST instruments mentioned or the apps, but they might take up a lot of ram. Like at this very second, I still have 1.6gb left.
I use waves and amplitube 2.0 from time to time and it seems amplitube is a big power sucker. I don't use any virtual instruments.

I see your points of Ram. I guess the question is would I rather have too much or risk not having enough. With Ram seeming to be such a small cost it would make sense to go ahead and install it.

Thanks for the heads up on the Hard Drive.
I roll with 2G of RAM, with Sonar CW HS 4XL and about 18 tracks with various VSTs rolling, it's a resource hog. If you can afford RAM, get as much as you can.