MINI DISC to record (sample) sounds around...


New member
Hi there,
there's a forum dedicated just to MD... cool!!! :)

I would like to sample sounds around to make my own sondfonts and I thought it would be easy to find a cheap digital recorder to make good quality recordings; a gizmo to take into the poket and press its red button when you hear a particular sound you would like to use in your recordings...

Result: nothing!!! :mad:
Probably I'm quite dull :p , but I've seen that the only affordable way seems to be the one to use the new Hi-MD; but, what about the transfer of the audio file to the Computer??? :confused: seems to be an enigma, once again...

Gee, I just would like to make a short wav file 44100 / 16bit / stereo and upload it to the PC via something like an USB.

I've got a €30 memory stick voice recorder that make the job well... unfortunately the sound quality is really weak...

lemme know what u think ;)

Mirco GRASSilli
Have you tried for starters? They have a lot of tests, info, cool uses etc. regarding anything minidisc.

I own two minidisc recorders, an old Sharp MD-MS701 and a newer Sharp MD-MT290, both sporting stereo microphone inputs, and a (quite old) Sony stereo microphone. I make all kinds of recordings with this, from nature and environmental recordings to classical concert events (in agreement with the performers, of course!).

So far, only the older one has ever let me down in the field, running on a proprietary Sharp Ni-Cd cell of limited capacity, it doesn't have capability for more than about an hour's worth of recording time when fully charged. It has thus recently been retired from field work in favour of the newer model, which runs on a single standard AA Ni-MH cell, which is easily replaceable in the field. I have recorded up to two 74-min minidiscs on a single cell (in standard mode) on the new model. It is very reliable when handled gently, and it fits in the inner pocket of my jacket. Comes highly recommended.

regards, Nils
Hi there Nils,
and thanx for your reply.

I had a look 2 ur Sharp Mini Disc, it seems cool, but it doesn't seem 2 have the usb port; how can u transfer recorded data to a PC?

Looking 4 something else, once again, I found that also those with USB capabilities are uni-directional, that is to say from PC to MD and NOT vice versa... :mad: :mad: :mad:

Seems impossible!!! :confused:

See you,
thank u