mineral wool for absorbtion?


New member
what's your opinion on using say 3" mineral wool for absorbers? And yeah i know 703 , 703! How do you think mineral wool will work? :D
spiderman2812 said:
what's your opinion on using say 3" mineral wool for absorbers? And yeah i know 703 , 703! How do you think mineral wool will work? :D

Do a [search] of this site, mineral wool has been discussed in length here.
Just to clarify for those who don't want to search, mineral wool (or rockwool) is definitely usable for acoustic treatment (very similar acoustical properties to OC 703). The main issue is that it may be a little bit more difficult to work with, but it is quite a bit cheaper.

spiderman2812 said:
what's your opinion on using say 3" mineral wool for absorbers? And yeah i know 703 , 703! How do you think mineral wool will work? :D

I was wondering the same thing, would anybody happen to know if roxul safe sound would work, i heard it does the same exact thing as 703, but it's cheaper
Rock wool and fiberglass at comparable densities, are virtually identical from a sonic standpoint.

Whether rock wool is cheaper is a regional thing.