MIDI-USB Mixed Equipment


New member
With the exception of one Keyboard all of my chosen equipment uses the MIDI interface. The lone Keyboard only has a USB 2.0 interface. I will use a MOTU 8x8 to connect most of the units but this has a USB 2.0 as well. The music interface is an M-Audio Fast Track 8x8 which has a USB 2.0 interface as well. None of the above three devices have a second MIDI port (why not would it have cost the earth?).

So the MOTU has to connect to the Fast Track, this can be done by MIDI I presume, but it is USB powered unless a seperate PSU is supplied. At some point the Keyboard has to enter the MIDI chain and the only way I can achieve this is via a USB 2.0 hub.

I think you can see where this is going. I've got 9x9 MIDI I/O's, at least three USB 2.0 I/O links which will all arrive at a laptop via the USB 2.0 hub.

I've seen posts complaining about USB latency but was this confined to USB 1.0 and USB 1.1 only or does this affect USB 2.0 as well. Will mixing the MIDI and USB interfaces cause problems (yeah I know, how long is a piece of string).

Has anyone any ideas on this or better still any experience of the likely problems.
