Midi Transfer Question


New member
I have a Line 6 Vetta HD amp head with a ton of guitar tones saved on it that I need to transfer to my iMac as MIDI files. I also have an Alesis I/O2 interface which I have been using in GarageBand to record. I hooked up the MIDI-out of the Vetta to the MIDI-in of the Alesis and performed a MIDI dump of some files and nothing happened. My iMac did not even acknowledge anything was happening. I have gone through the manuals of both, I have gone on the websites of both and can't seem to find what's going on. What am I missing? Can anyone help with this?
Often voices are stored as Sys Ex data, which is part of the MIDI code, but I'm not sure if Garageband records Sys Ex. Sometimes you have to enable programs to do so. You might have to set up a track to record on all (or omni) channels, hit record on the computer and then dump on the source unit.

There's a free app I use a lot called MidiPipe http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/midipipe.html
You can use that to see what MIDI data is coming in, if there is any coming in, and what kind of data it is.

If you try MidiPipe, drag Midi In from the left column to the right and then double click on the new Midi In you made in the right column and down below select your Line6. Then drag AList from the left column to the right column and double click on it. Now you have a screen that will show you if anything comes in. Try and hit dump on the Line6 and you should see data streaming in on MidiPipe.