midi sequencer

Carter Simcoe

New member
I hear alot of people talking about using old computers as midi sequencers. What does a midi sequencer do and how do I set up an old computer as one???? Oh yeah the old piece of crap I plan on using is a Mac (I don't know the specifications, it's about 6 years old) will this work???

A MIDI sequencer sequences MIDI messages.

For example, when you play a MIDI keyboard, it generates MIDI messages as well as sound. The MIDI messages contain information like which note was hit (say an E above middle C), how "hard" it was hit (the velocity, from 0-127), when it was released, (note off), and so on.

If these messages go into a sequencer ant it's recording, it saves these messages and time-stamps them. Now if you take that recordede MIDI data when you're done and send it back to the keyboard, the original performance will be more-or-less reproduced.

That part of it is powerful enough -- a glorified player piano -- but there are other applications as well, including synchronizing tape decks and video machines, controlling patch changes on effects boxes, even controling lights and such via MIDI Machine Control...
