midi questions


Nova Police
Soo, I'm new to this midi stuff - and seem to be having trouble comprehending certain concepts.

I've been making a drum beat with "groove agent one" in Cubase with the drum editor - and ended up with it being too loud along with the rest of my tracks.

So I open up my mixer, and see 3 different faders for GA1, one that is turned all the way off. I found the one that is the main volume, but am curious - What are the other 3 for?

I notice when creating a new track for any VST instrument, it seems to make 3 tracks (which at least one or more looks like automation, but I don't get why theres 3)

-Also, is it common practice to export and import midi tracks back in as an audio track for mixing? Seems like a real dumb question, as I'm quite certain you have to. Hoping someone can enlighten me a bit =)
A vst instrument presents tracks (complete with channel faders/eq/inserts/etc) to your project, you can treat then just like regular audio channels - apply eq/fx, automation, play with the faders/panning, etc. What channels the vsti gives you depends on the vsti.

For example, I use ezdrummer vsti and it gives me 8 tracks for snare/kick/toms/overheads/hihat, etc.. It's up to me to pan em out, add compression and reverb, set the levels, do my automation, etc.

You send midi to the vsti, that's what makes it play. After that, there's NO difference between vsti channels and regular audio channels is: You don't have a wave form to see and edit. (but you can edit the midi driving the vsti instead).

If your drums beat is too loud, go turn the faders down, simple as that.