MIDI problems with Delta 1010 and cubase

Hello. I'm completely new to MIDI, and i was hoping someone might be able to help me with the problem i've been having.

First of all, here is the set up i'm using:
I have a Roland TD3 V-drum kit, and is being run into my Powermac G4 through a delta 1010 interface, and record with Cubase LE.

My goal is to record drum tracks through midi, so that i can then play the midi back through to the TD3 later, using the module to pick the samples i want and record them analog one at a time and have total control of my drum sound ...

My problem is this: When i set up to record a MIDI track - in any session - it records the midi information fine - but only for about half a minute to a minute. After that, the midi track goes dead and just stops getting information. I've tried this in many different sessions ... and with my keyboard as well as my drum kit, just to make sure that it isn't my hardware makign the problem.

Is this a simple problem to do with my settings on the delta or cubase, or does anyone have any suggestions as to figure out what is going wrong?

Its not a consistent amount of time that it does work, either. Sometimes it works only for a few seconds, other times almost a minute ... but it ALWAYS just stops getting information halfway through, leaving me recording nothing.

any help is appreciated, thansk!