MIDI paramater changes not being recorded


New member
I am recording using Sonar 7 Producer Edition. When I open my soft synth ARP2600 and use the mouse to move the dials and faders I hear the changes that these dials produce while recording, however, when I am turning the dials the scroll bar stops and does not begin moving until I stop moving the dials on the softsynth. Also when I play it back I notice that none of the paramaters have been recorded although the duration of the notes being held is recorded. How do I get Sonar to record these changes so that I get an accurate recording of the performance and sound I hear while recording.
not a sonar user but generally you will need to record the CC that corresponds to the appropriate control. This is usually done on the same midi track and the manual/help file should tell you what is what
look in your preferences file for a setting that says something to the effect of record all midi data... sometimes the default is to just note on/off... it may not say all data it may list all the different kinds and give options for which ones you want...