Midi newbie


New member
Hey everyone,

I have read the manuals and bunch of forums and other documentation but there is one question I still have not been able to answer for myself....the sad thing is I am sure it is really simple! So I will swallow my pride and ask :rolleyes:

I have a older midi controller keyboard (Roland PC-200 mkII) and all I am trying to do is control multiple virtual instruments without having to move over to my PC.

I thought it would be as simple as this:

1. Assign my different VSTi's to different midi tracks (ie. track1 output = drum VSTi, track2 output = organ VSTi, etc, etc and midi in on all tracks being the port my controller is hooked up to)
2. Ensure that each track has a unique midi channel
3. Using my keyboard controller simply change channels to control the different VSTi's

However this isn't working for me. I am pretty sure my individual tracks are setup correctly because if I setup any individual midi track and record enable it I control the instrument with no problem.

Can someone offer some advice on this. I am sure I am just missing something really basic - which is why it doesn;t seem to be documented too often in these terms.

Any help would be appreciated.


I have the same keyboard, and the mistake you are making is assigning channels to soft synths. Rather than using the traditional method of separating midi synths by channel, soft synths are sperated by sequencer track. Set them up on channel 1 and you will be able to move to whichever one you want just by switching sequencer tracks.

Here are links to two good articles on midi basics - part one and part two. They may be a little basic for you, but we can all use a refresher course now and then...
Hey thanks for the quick reply.

Just to make sure I understand correctly - to control different VSTi's (softsynths) I need to follow this procedure:

1. Select desired midi track (say track 2 with B4 as output) and record enable it.

Now to chabge to a new softsynth:

2. uncheck record enable on the B4 track
3. Highlight different midi track (say track 3 with piano synth)
4. Record enable this track.

Is that correct? :eek: No comment on your explaination (I definatly appreciate it) but that's really too bad. I host weekly jams and would have really liked to switch instruments in the middle of the jam. It sounds like this is not possible.

Thanks again,

jkstraw said:
Hey thanks for the quick reply.

Just to make sure I understand correctly - to control different VSTi's (softsynths) I need to follow this procedure:

1. Select desired midi track (say track 2 with B4 as output) and record enable it.

Now to chabge to a new softsynth:

2. uncheck record enable on the B4 track
3. Highlight different midi track (say track 3 with piano synth)
4. Record enable this track.

Is that correct? :eek: No comment on your explaination (I definatly appreciate it) but that's really too bad. I host weekly jams and would have really liked to switch instruments in the middle of the jam. It sounds like this is not possible.

Thanks again,


Sure you can. The tracks are assigned to midi input channels, no?
So, just assign the tracks to the appropriate input midi channel and you;re good to go.
fraserhutch said:
Sure you can. The tracks are assigned to midi input channels, no?
So, just assign the tracks to the appropriate input midi channel and you;re good to go.

I am little confused - did you read my initial post and the follow-up? I think what you have laid out was the same idea I mentioned in my initial post. The first reply I received seems to indicate that this is not possible.

If I am misunderstanding please let me know - I would love to get this working....if I could do it I could really freak out some of my jam buddies by bringing out some trippy sounds in the middle of a jam :D


That's what I thought.

If you can change the midi channel you're transmitting on IN THE Roland keyboard, what you have described should work.

So, assuming you are connected on port A, and
track #1 accepts port A, midi channel 1
track #2 accepts port A, midi channel 2
track #3 accepts port A, midi channel 3

and each is hooked to a seperate soft synth instance, then changing the midi output channel on the roland controller from midi channel 1 to midi channel 2 should effectively switch from track #1 to track #2.
Ya that is what I have tried to have setup as well. But with no luck.

Originally I thought I was out of luck becuse when I switched channels with the midi controller I would get either no sound or both sounds (assume I have 2 midi tracks with two VSTi's). I did some reading on this and found suggestions that the two sounds at once thing was because both tracks were record enabled (and to hear a VSTi you have to have it record enabled...or such is my experience).

Have you actually done this - or are you talking theoretically? Theoretically I follow you 100% - but in practice I just can't get it to work.

Thanks again,


P.S. Just to ensure that I include the most detail possible - I have Cubase setup as follows:

2 midi tracks ("track1" and "track2")

Midi IN = Keyboard Controller
Midi OUT = B4 Organ
Midi Channel = 2

Midi IN = Keyboard Controller
Midi OUT = Piano synth
Midi Channel = 3

Switching MIDI channels on Roland PC-200 mk II:

1. Press MIDI/Select button (LED lights up)
2. Press C# 2 (midi channel 2)
3. Press MIDI/Select button (LED turns off)

To switch to channel 3 I do the same thing but use "D 2" for MIDI channel 3
In order to do as you speak of JK, you need to have all MIDI tracks selected in your project (Select the first one, then hold down shift+select the last, or Ctrl+mouse click if you want to skip random MIDI tracks. Set each track up as you initially posted and voila.
Thank you to everyone for giving me a helping hand on this. I fired up my DAW with some excitment after the last post. But again - things just aren't working as I (and others) expect.

I took some screen captures to make it a bit easier for people to see and confirm how I have things setup.

This is the screen cap of the setup following all the suggestions so far.



- All 3 midi tracks have distinct midi channels
- All tracks have a seperate VSTi selected as output
- All tracks have the same midi input (port which my controller is hooked up to
- All 3 midi tracks are selected (as per Atterion last post)
- All tracks are "record enabled"

When I first play the controller keyboard - only the first VSTi is triggered (in this case a1 Bass). However as soon as I change to midi channel 2 I get the funky stuff happening. Here is a screen shot of what I see:



As you can see all channels are receiving the midi data - regardless of the fact that I chose channel 2 only (via keyboard controller). In fact at this point no matter what I do (select channel 1, reset midi etc) I cannot get back to a single sound (ie. can't get back to squre 1 where midi data was going to channel 1 only).

To get back to the single sound I have to uncheck the "Record enable" on 2 of the 3 midi tracks. See link below:


The last screen cap I have is actually directed to Atterion. I just wanted to clarify why the midi tracks had to be selected. As you can see via the link below I don't need the track to be selected to trigger it. Although I must have it record enabled. I am not disputing your statement - just wondering why or how the "selecting tracks" impacts on anything.


If anyone has any more pointers, suggestions on how to proceed etc. the help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again everyone!


Point taken, you don't have to have it selected, just record enabled. I suggested it that way because by default, when you select a track, it is automatically record enabled and if you have say 16 tracks, it easier to click the mouse once, hold shift and click again, rather than have to click the record enable button on a whole bunch of tracks. Just trying to help speed up your workflow.

I don't understand why you are having a problem at this point, I use the same method, except I instead of using multiple MIDI channels, use multiple hardware controllers, on different ports. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'll try to work out a similar scenario as yours tonight after work.
Good day,

Thanks to everyonne for their responses. I felt I should submit an update on the issue.

Based on an authoritative answer from one of the guru's at http://www.steinbergusers.com/ it appears that the functionality I was looking for in my original post simply cannot be done in Cubase.

One misconception I had was clarified - which may be useful for others is this:

"By default, midi tracks in Cubase will accept all midi channels. The midi channel selection on the midi track is actually for the output."

I had always thought the midi channel on the midi track was static (not changing regardless of input and output). I guess I was wrong - bummer!

Thanks again for the replies - I guess I will be looking for a new software package for my jams (I'll be sticking with cubase for the recording).


Solution found

I just wanted to update the thread on a positive note in case anyone should happen upon it in the future.

I got a response on another forum which solved the issue immediately. :D

Basically within Cubase you have to use the "Input Transformer" on each midi track (local transformer to be exact). Here is an article which walks you through the setup - it is very straight forward:


Thanks again to all those who tried to lend a helping hand.

