MIDI Keyboard


New member
I was wondering what a good keyboard interface would be for a beginner. Keep in mind I am NOT a keyboard player. I am a guitarist and just need it to add "synth" instruments to the mix. There is a huge range in price. I don't really know much about this subject.
Thanks Pat
I was wondering what a good keyboard interface would be for a beginner. Keep in mind I am NOT a keyboard player. I am a guitarist and just need it to add "synth" instruments to the mix. There is a huge range in price. I don't really know much about this subject.
Thanks Pat

My son is a far better guitarist than keyboard player but he did get to grade 8 joe.
He has used an Evolution EKeys49 for some years and it has served him well.

You only need a "controller" with full sized and reasonably good feeling keys, all the noises are generated in the PC.

The Evo' I think is no more but M-Audio do something that looks very much like it! M's drivers seem to work for our Evo anyway! Whatever you get MAKE SURE it has a MIDI out port (5 pin DIN) on it. I will tell you why if you want to know.

For a very nice piano sound, download the demo of Modartt's Pianoteq. it is also a MIDI recorder in its own right.

The M-Audio is actually a really good choice. Especially at that price! It's obviously not a Nord, but it's obviously not $4k-6k as well.
Didn't get it. It was sold before I made up my mind.
Found another one for 10 dollars more though

esp the 25 key version
Because I'm such a clunk handed keyboardist that can't play keyboards, I couldn't even think of any keyboard with less than 49 keys. I've long wondered how players can get by with 25. They obviously know something my brain won't even consider !
I've got an Alesis 25 key board. You can't play that thing like a regular piano or anything. I use it if I want to track some simple pads or strings or something simple. Simple like, cause it's simple.
I use the controller keyboard to play any VSTis that I might 'play' so I need the range of at least 49 keys. I can always increase the note range with pitch change in the software and varispeed on the DAW.
Okay I got the keyboard hooked up it seems to work but there is a delay. How do I get rid of that? I have Sonar X1
Okay I got the keyboard hooked up it seems to work but there is a delay. How do I get rid of that? I have Sonar X1

Ah! Should have asked perhaps what you are using as a sound card/Audio Interface! If you don't know WTF I am talking about you haven't got one and must be using the OnBoard Sound chip in the computer. If the latter is a desktop with a spare PCI slot one of these is the bizz....
M-Audio Audiophile 2496 PCI Audio Interface Very low "latency" (posh word for the delay) If you have a laptop you will need a USB interface. All more money to find I am afraid. You could try "ASIO4all" A small program that sometimes improves latency but I am not hopeful.

You might be able to set the buffers to a lower level for the OBS but I have had it turned off for so long in my computers I don't have a clue atmo' how to go about that.

I have an interface. Scarlett 8i18 Could it be that I'm using a USB cable to the computer since I don't have a MIDI cable? Maybe I can pick up a MIDI cable on the way home from work today a and connect to my interface
I have an interface. Scarlett 8i18 Could it be that I'm using a USB cable to the computer since I don't have a MIDI cable? Maybe I can pick up a MIDI cable on the way home from work today a and connect to my interface

I will not say this with 100% certainty, but MIDI to USB I have not had a lot of luck with. If the keyboard comes with a USB and a driver, they seem to do better (Roland's USB port does well, but it has a driver). If you can get MIDI Din to MIDI Din you will have better luck. You still might here some delay, but it will be minimal.
Ho Kay!
Just rigged my Ek49 to this ancient 3G P4 running XP Home.
Plugged up the Scarlet 8i6 and ran Pianoteq* demo.

With 10mS set on the 8i6 USB control panel no delay that I could detect. Whacking the time down to 1mS produced either crackles or nowt. 5mS seemed ok.

So, make sure the AI is set with ASIO drivers and if there is still a delay you must have a big buffer setting lurking somewhere in the system.

There is no difference in my experience between a keyboard connected via USB and one connected via DINs to an AI (THEN connected via USB!!??) And I would not expect there to be since MIDI is Sooo slow compared to even USB 1.1.

*This is worth downloading even if just for test purposes. It makes setting a MIDI input and output device very simple and gives access to the AI's control panel without searching for it.

That said! Get a couple of MIDI cables anyway!

Ho Kay!
Just rigged my Ek49 to this ancient 3G P4 running XP Home.
Plugged up the Scarlet 8i6 and ran Pianoteq* demo.

With 10mS set on the 8i6 USB control panel no delay that I could detect. Whacking the time down to 1mS produced either crackles or nowt. 5mS seemed ok.

So, make sure the AI is set with ASIO drivers and if there is still a delay you must have a big buffer setting lurking somewhere in the system.

There is no difference in my experience between a keyboard connected via USB and one connected via DINs to an AI (THEN connected via USB!!??) And I would not expect there to be since MIDI is Sooo slow compared to even USB 1.1.

*This is worth downloading even if just for test purposes. It makes setting a MIDI input and output device very simple and gives access to the AI's control panel without searching for it.

That said! Get a couple of MIDI cables anyway!


Not sure if we are saying the same thing, if it is USB to USB, you're right, should not be an issue. What I have seen is MIDI DIN to USB, there is a translation that takes place. I guess depending on the cable manufacturer and how well they convert the data could be the major area that is the potential problem.
Not sure if we are saying the same thing, if it is USB to USB, you're right, should not be an issue. What I have seen is MIDI DIN to USB, there is a translation that takes place. I guess depending on the cable manufacturer and how well they convert the data could be the major area that is the potential problem.

Sorry David.
I have not used a MIDI to USB converter cable but I have read of driver problems in the past. They would never be needed if every AI was MIDI equipped, at least anything at the £100 mark and purporting to be the central unit of a home recording system.

People often say "MIDI keyboards are all USB these days" Well so they are but there is still shedloads of old MIDI kit about that isn't, drum machines, sound modules. These crop up in junk shops and the like for a nifty or less!

So, sozz again Dave and forgive the canter on the Hobby Horse!
