Midi Help!


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Cubase E4
Presonus Pirepods
Alesis DM5 Drum Module with full drum set of triggers.

I have the Dm5 midi out connected to the Firepod midi in
I have an Instrument track with the input selected to firepod in.
Monitor button is on as well as record enable. Vst instrument is stereo drum .

When i hit the record button, i only hear a few of the hits i make on the Dm5 triggers while recording.
When i playback the track, i hear everything i played.
While just monitoring, (not playing or recording) i have the same issue, just
hearing a few random hits. Every hit i make shows on the red midi meter in the
transport and the little orange light on the VST instrument screen. But very random audio except on playback.
Bottom line, Intermittent audio monitoring on midi track except on playback.
The only things I can think of are:

* maybe phone Steinberg and ask them

* re-install Cubase

* if your computer is at all lame it could do this. I have a semi-lame Mac that is dual 1GHz speed and 1.5 GB RAM and it runs different versions of Cubase fine. Usually with problems like dropouts I'd be thinking insufficient RAM.