Midi help with drums


New member

New to this recording stuff. I have a delta 1011lt sound card and have done vocal and guitar stuff. Now I want to recdord the drummers electronic kit. I was advised on one of this great forums to do it by midi, copy the signal 8 times then delete the appropiate parts, basically meaning that I export to an audio signal. I kinda understand that the trouble I have is when we plug in the brain, I change the drivers of my software (Magix 2005) to my delta card but it just plays different sounds, everything but the drum kits we won't. Do I have to configure the brain's outputs?

Any advise to this newbie would be more than welcome.

Thanks in anticipation.
I'm not totally sure what you are talking about here sorry. Does the electronic kit send midi data??? Are you saying that you want to record a midi part using the drum kit and then use this to trigger a sampler containing different drum hits???

Post a little more info and i might be able to help.


peteuk90 said:
. I was advised on one of this great forums to do it by midi, copy the signal 8 times then delete the appropiate parts, basically meaning that I export to an audio signal. I kinda understand that the trouble I have is when we plug in the brain, I change the drivers of my software (Magix 2005) to my delta card but it just plays different sounds, everything but the drum kits we won't. Do I have to configure the brain's outputs?
Sounds to me like you're making this much more complicated than it needs to be.

If the drummer is good enough to nail the parts on a single pass, just route the outputs of his drum brain into the inputs of the interface, then take them down to two or four or eight audio tracks inside the software.

If, on the other hand, the drummer needs some timing correction help take the midi output from the kit and plug it into the midi input of the computer interface. The drummer will be able to monitor his performance by plugging headphones into the drum brain, and the resulting midi notes can be transposed, time-corrected and cut and pasted to your hearts desire. There should be a place on the drum brain to bring in a prerecorded track for the drummer to play along with, and that's where you will patch in the guitars and vocals for him to cue off of.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. What I want todo is record the drums and then manipulate each drum to whatever setting I want. So in essence I want to mix the drums as if they were miked up like a conventional kit. With the brain only having one audio output, the only other way (so I am told) is to record it in midi then copy the part the same number of drum pads, then delete every one barring one pad to make 8 tracks with 8 pads on.. ie snare on one track, kick on another etc.

Then convert to audio and then mix in the song...

you need 8 midi channels active on the software. Set the INPUT on each to the MIDI sending unit (your drum brain) with each channel recieving ona different midi channel. Send each pad on the drum machine MIDI OUTPUT to the corresponding channel on the software. Once it`s recorded you can then send the signal OUPUT to the drum brain and it should play your setup using the drum brain as the sound source.
peteuk90 said:
What I want todo is record the drums and then manipulate each drum to whatever setting I want.
Record the performance to midi. Then set up the sounds INSIDE THE DRUM BRAIN and save it as a patch. Then you can choose whether or not to sync the drum part via midi or record it to audio tracks in your software.
Toki987 said:
Set the INPUT on each to the MIDI sending unit (your drum brain) with each channel recieving ona different midi channel.
Very few drum brains are multitimbral simply because they don't need to be. Switching patches between an 808 kit and an acoustic kit and an electronic kit on a single channel works just fine because none has more than 127 instruments --- that's how many note #'s (or drum sounds) a single midi channel allows. And most drum brains allow you to combine your favorites into a single kit as a custom patch - that's my solution to peteuk90's problem.
ssscientist said:
Record the performance to midi. Then set up the sounds INSIDE THE DRUM BRAIN and save it as a patch. Then you can choose whether or not to sync the drum part via midi or record it to audio tracks in your software.

Very few drum brains are multitimbral simply because they don't need to be. Switching patches between an 808 kit and an acoustic kit and an electronic kit on a single channel works just fine because none has more than 127 instruments --- that's how many note #'s (or drum sounds) a single midi channel allows. And most drum brains allow you to combine your favorites into a single kit as a custom patch - that's my solution to peteuk90's problem.

Yup, you are correct. What I suggested on the MIDI receive is only neccesary when using multiple tone generators.