Midi File help needed, pleeease?

Kellie's Dad

New member
Scenario: I make a song using Band-in-the-box, then save as a midi file type 1, open it in Sonar 1.3, I end up with all drums on one track. One track for each instrument and one track for ALL drums.
This is no good because I can't change any one of the drum sounds individually. Any ideas?
As far as I know, the MIDI functions in Sonar are mostly un-changed from those in ProAudio9, which I've used quite a bit. If so, here is what you can do -

1. open the song in Sonar.
2. Select the drum track (10) by clicking on the track # at the left of the track window.
3. Click View, PianoRoll.
4. Double click the title bar of the track 10 Piano Roll you just opened, in order to maximise the window.
5. Using the + and - magnifying glasses in both axes, make sure the entire song is contained within the horizontal window, and that the vertical is expanded to maximum.
6. each line of the piano roll is a single drum note.
7. pick the note you want to change, click just above and to the right of the last note on the track, and draw a window around the entire line of notes on JUST THAT LINE. Release the mouse button. You have just SELECTED those notes.
8. Click Edit/Transpose, a small window will open allowing you to transpose just the notes you have selected. Pick a different drum note based on the names at the left of the Piano Roll, count the # of steps up or down to that note, and use the + and - keys in the transpose window to select that number and direction of steps. click OK. (Make sure there aren't already notes there, or you won't be able to sort the ones you put there from the ones that already were there.

9. If you want to use a different set of drum sounds, you would have to choose a different drum patch in Sonar before you make the changes above, otherwise you wouldn't know what notes would be played.

Hope this helps, maybe someone running Sonar can offer more - like I said, there's a good chance this is unchanged in Sonar so it may work... Steve
It's very common that all the drums are assigned to a single track, and each "note" in that track corrsponds to a piece of the kit.

There's an easier way to separate out the kit -- there's a CAL routine that comes with SONAR called Split Notes to Tracks or something like that. Look it up in the documentation.
Wow! Thanks guys! I just found out that my version (11) of BIAB puts all drums on one track, but I'll see what I can do in Sonar with what you so very helpful people have told me.
knightfly said:
As far as I know, the MIDI functions in Sonar are mostly un-changed from those in ProAudio9, which I've used quite a bit.


You had better stand by for a mountain of help required.
I have had the Audio Pro9 for a year and haven't got to grips with it yet.
At the moment I am struggling with recording vocder and song on one project and then saving as .wav file
If you don't mind I will prepare a clearer question for you in the next few days.

If you do save the MIDI file in format 0, then ALL instrument including drums will be placed in one track.

If you do save the MIDI file in format 1, then ALL instrument will be placed in separate tracks. And ALL drums in track 10.

That's GM standard. If you do want to separate the drums for each sound (Snare, Kick, Hihat, etc...) then do what AlChuck said. Use the CAL function in SONAR (Split Notes To Tracks). Or do cut and paste manualy one by one (...But why would I do that way;) ). Save the project as .cwp (or .wrk in previous Cakewalk).

Sorry about omitting the Cal method - I wasn't sure whether that part of Cake had survived the Sonar upgrade. Obviously the Split notes routine would be much quicker, good call... Steve