midi drums


Nova Police
So, I've had "Home Recording for dummies" for a while now, and got some good info on midi drums from there.

I have some friends that do it in different ways,

But I'm wondering how all of you do it? Actually creating the beats I should say.

I've found I like the drum editor in cubase, (as well as the key editor, piano roll whatever you call it)

But I want to know about the different ways to do it.
I use Cubase and play the drums on my M-Audio keyboard. I use Logical Edit a lot to tweak the volumes. And I also use List Edit.

Typically my kick and snare are in the 88 - 93 range for loud regular playing and the hihats accented/unaccented beats might be 72/44. To me getting the proportions is very important. Also I need the volumes to be standardized to what the other songs I've done are because I use MIDI tracks live and I want my songs to be consistent somewhat.

I usually quantize the kick, snare, toms ride cymbal and hihat. Then I'll go over the track and add crash cymbals and I don't tend to quantize them and usually I don't use them as single crashes, I make clumps of 2 or 3 crashes each time, that way they always sound different.