MIDI Controller Questions


New member
I'm pretty sure that Sonar 5 will support more than one controller, but what about software like Reason 3? I want to get an 88 key MIDI controller and the Novation Remote SL Zero, but if some apps like reason won't recognize more than one controller at a time, then I'll just get the REmote SL 61 key. Thanks for the help!
Reason 3.0 will support as many control surfaces, midi faders, controller keyboards, gesture controllers and X-Y pads as you can throw at it and come back for more.

The 'Remote' protocol in which there is two way communication between Reason and the controller in question is still in it's first generation and as such is a work in progress, but it working to the point where, like everthing Reason, it is bullet-proof in it's reliability.
