Midi Click Track Question


New member
Hi All
Say I've imported a / wave or MP3 file into my sequencer to jam along or for practice. Could be any song from my CD, Wave or MP3 collection. How can I add a click track before the song begins, so I can anticipate when to come in, or just a lead in count to get off on the right beat as the song begins. Hope I'm making sense. I'll be using a midi drum machine. I can figure out how to do this during the song, but I'm not quite sure how to get it going 8 counts before the song starts. Thankyou, CW
what program are you using?
figure out the tempo of the song....record 8 beats of that tempo from something like your drum machine. nudge it until it lines up exactly 2 bars before the start of the song.
Thanks for the reply. I'm using cubase 2 sx. That's what I sort of figured. I guess I need to figure how to nudge it in smaller increments. It's nudging at quarter notes or something close as of now. CW
You could use the same math that's used to calculate tempo delays. Take 60,000 and divide it by the beats per minute tempo of the song, and that will give you the length of a quarternote in milliseconds. From there you can figure out the lengh in time of a full measure.

When you have the length of a full measure, just create a seperate wav clip with the count-off/click track and cut it to that length (x2 for a full 8-count). Insert that clip at the beginning of a track, pushing the music clip back. Then it's a simple matter to snap the rest of the tracks to that same starting time as the first music clip.

This method depends on your editing out all lead-in on the music tracks so that the song starts on-beat, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

