MIDI and EWQL Orchestra


New member
Hi there, I've been using East West Orchestra for a while now, but had a question for you guys in regards to how you write your string parts. Do you guys just use general midi instrument to get the structure, then bypass the midi instruments after that's done, and route through whatever softsynth/orchestra software?

I think the way I've been doing it is kind of inefficent in the sense that I load the sample and if that patch/articulation doesn't fit what I'm looking for, then I keep loading them until I do and then I write. Seems it probably be is easier timewise and creatively to just write in MIDI, then route and figure out what patchs I want to use.

Let me know what you think, thanks!
I use Garritan Personal Orchestra, which is very similar to EWQL in the way it works.

What I did was make a template project in which I loaded every patch I liked, for every instrument in the orchestra (my computer could take this, but barely). Set up a midi track for every patch (so you will have a lot of midi tracks) and start composing. I also grouped them into sections (all violin articulations in one group, for example). This way, I have everything I need right there.
Whilst we are on the topic of EWQL and others, What can I actually 'do' with EWQL Orchestra, i am considering getting it if i can use it whilst i write music. I use Sibelius and it just uses General Midi when i write so it sounds crap. Could i use this in my notation program(like, hear the sounds in real time)? or in something like Cubase with a Midi track? I hear its a VST but can i use it in Sibelius?
^ hehe

i guess that was directed towards me? Sorry i was so ambigious.

Could you give me some kind of guidance on how to get it to work with Sibelius, or is it almost automatic?