Microsoft Surface. Future of DAW Hardware?


New member
I was recently thinking of how convenient it is for me to take my laptop to my drum studio, record and take it back.

I know these first gen tablets will have a hard time running Cubase or Pro Tools, but that may change eventually. The 'pro' version of Surface has a core i5 processor, not bad.

If anyone ends up running a DAW on one of these, let us know. :) I'll be the first to switch from Logic Pro.

I'm not allowed to post links, but it's all over The Internets.
I'm more stoked for this new tablet than anything.
I've never been a fan of Apple, and this thing is definitely some decent competition to the iPad 3. Depending on it's RAM, the high end one could even be a low end desktop/laptop replacement.
I'm curious as to why you think a tablet might be the "future of DAW hardware"?

With the attached keyboard, the surface is more or less a very thin notebook. The keyboard is good--I couldn't contemplate working without a keyboard for shortcuts etc--but the onboard storage is relatively small compared to computers with HDDs. You'll still need an external interface so it's not really any more portable than an existing notebook. If you want to burn (or rip) CDs, that's another external box for you to buy.

So, as neat as the Surface looks, I'm not sure what about it would attract me away from a fully featured conventional laptop?
I'm curious as to why you think a tablet might be the "future of DAW hardware"?

With the attached keyboard, the surface is more or less a very thin notebook. The keyboard is good--I couldn't contemplate working without a keyboard for shortcuts etc--but the onboard storage is relatively small compared to computers with HDDs. You'll still need an external interface so it's not really any more portable than an existing notebook. If you want to burn (or rip) CDs, that's another external box for you to buy.

So, as neat as the Surface looks, I'm not sure what about it would attract me away from a fully featured conventional laptop?

I think you're right, Bobbsy..

..but I have to say the Serface Pro would be very handy to take out and about..with those who want to record live on the fly. I don't own an iPad myself and always wanted to get one, but not any more. Basically, as I see it, the Serface Pro will offer me everything the iPad would, albeit the software would be different..but then again, the Serface will come with Windows OS installed, which means I don't have to go trying to marry what I have with the software that comes with the iPad.

I get ot keep the plugins I love and still get the mobility and style..that up until now..has always been the domian of Apple alone.

In short..yeah, a Deaktop rules hands down..but mobility has it's place,too..and, for all it's faults and failings, Windows can be pretty good for doing stuff long as you have it set up with recording in mind..but that's a different topic for another time.. :)