Microphone suited for Trumpet and vocals

Steal Sessions

New member
Wel, a friend of mine asked if there is a microphone that would be suitable for both vocals as for trumpet. SM57 would be logic, but are there others?
What you want for trumpet is a mic with nice, unemphasized, smooth, high-frequency response. Luckily, these characteristics often coincide with good vocal microphones.

Some classic choices:

For Lots of money:

RCA 44 or AEA R44C or R44CNE;
Coles 4038
Neumann U47/U67

For less money, and suitable for live use as well:

Sennheiser 421 or 441
Beyerdynamic M88
'Why do you have such lousy rep? This is a great suggestion.'

i got in the crosshairs of a regular here and have been getting it ever since - i posted my dbx 165 for sale last week and got 20 negative rep points..

while i appreciate it's intent, i find the rep thing here is kinda...um...middle school at best. i ignore it.

thanks for the words,

I've had good luck with the Nady RSM-2 ribbon. Gives the trumpet a smooth sound that blends easily into a mix. If you're doing trumpet solo work, you might want to go with something a little brighter (or EQ it slightly).

It also works well for my voice (tenor). YMMV.
dgatwood said:
I've had good luck with the Nady RSM-2 ribbon. Gives the trumpet a smooth sound that blends easily into a mix. If you're doing trumpet solo work, you might want to go with something a little brighter (or EQ it slightly).

It also works well for my voice (tenor). YMMV.

I'll second that. A good choice for not much $$.
A decent ribbon is probably the best bet. I use a beyer m260 för both vocals and trumpet with great results - it's a cheap and solid entry-level ribbon mic of good quality.
I like and use an AEA R84 for my trumpet and for vocals.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of sm57 on trumpet. It'll do in a pinch.... but not the top of my list.
Although a ribbon is great on trumpet, it isn't always great on vocals.

A Beyer M88 can sound great on vocals, but on trumpet it's much to hot.

IMHO one of the best dynamics for vocals and trumpet (and lots of other applications) is the Sennheiser MD441.
Han said:
A Beyer M88 can sound great on vocals, but on trumpet it's much to hot.

IMHO one of the best dynamics for vocals and trumpet (and lots of other applications) is the Sennheiser MD441.

I'll defer to Han who has more experience with brass than I do. Han, I don't have the MD441, but would you make the same comment about the MD421? Usually the 421 is the mic I use when my M88 is doing something more critical :confused:

However, in the process of looking at stats (since I felt that the M88 was about the same as my Beta 57), I discovered the Beyer website has an error: it states that at 0dBV = 1 Pa, the sensitivity is 2.9 mV or -30.7dBV, which rather is 0dBV = 0.1 Pa. Thus the sensitivity should be -50.7dBV, or about 4 dB hotter than the SM57.
mshilarious said:
I'll defer to Han who has more experience with brass than I do. Han, I don't have the MD441, but would you make the same comment about the MD421? Usually the 421 is the mic I use when my M88 is doing something more critical :confused:

The M88 is a great classic mic, but it sound quite different from the MD441 and the MD421.

Trumpet is a PITA for microphones and even an MD421 can sound too hot on trumpet, the old grey MD421 MK1 sounds a little smoother though.

I get the best results with Beyer ribbons, but the MD441 is my best dynamic trumpet mic.

I don't have an RE20 but I trust this mic will do a decent job on trumpet as well. And Trumpetman is very happy with his SM7.

I've tried the M88 on several horns but it was far too hot, still the M88 is a very great microphone, I use it a lot on guitar cabs.