microphone help


New member
I just bought a cheap mic and it has a background noise deleter. this is good but now when i record vocals on Cool edit Pro the vocals arent that good. They sound like i have been sayin them from my nose. Can I fix this problem? I sure ain't going to be mad if there is some background noise, I just want to get good quality vocals. and please dont tell me to get a new computer or microphone, i dont have the money for that. I just want to know how to get better quality with this mic, cuz i seen people wit the same mics, and their vocals sound pretty good.

Well you mentioned an important word, "cheap". You can't expect phenominal performance out of something that dosn't have the capability.

I don't know what brand or type it is, but occasionally when a mic has something extra added to it, like built-in noise cancelation, it won't react as well as your typical mic. I always suggest to avoid it, if at all possible.

Also, you have to take into account of what extra things where done to thier vocals to sound the way they did.
If it has a noise deleter, it will ultimately also delete some of your signal. The noise deleter is probably some sort of eq, (but even if its not), and the mic is removing noise, it's going to remove some of your vocals as well.

Plus if its an "inexpensive" product, the noise deleter will also be "inexpensive" and not work with great efficiency. Eg. Either not removing as much back ground noise, or removing to much of the vocals.

I've never heard of a mic with a noise deleter. What mic is it?
Uhhhh...Maybe stop singing through your nose?

Nasal twang? Might be in your delivery. Or rent or borrow a better mic and see what happens. Like do an A and B test.

Green Hornet :eek: