Microphone for acoustic guitar

I use a combination of the AKG you have and one of their small condensers whose model number currently escapes me.. (451B seems to be in my head....).

I use the SDC as the main and get the 414 up around the 7th fret or so for some gloss... I have a loud guitar and the lower bout thing doesn't really work for me... too woody, too bassy...

I am looking for a microphone for an acoustic guitar budget up to around $700 USD max.
The acoustic will be recorded at hoe, and is a Taylor 314ce.
I currently have a few mic's, which are:
AKG C414-XLS (sounds detailed enough but lacks warmth for my taste)
Oktava mk319 (really needs to be driven to get a decent volume)
Shure SM57 (lacks warmth)

My preamps are:
Avalon vt737sp
Sebatron Cygnus

Anyway, I know there are many threads but all of them seem to cover ground ever so slightly differently. I am keen to see peoples recommendations, and why you recommend them..

Let me drill down a bit. What kind of acoustic guitar? Solo fingerstyle? Strummed for singer/songwriter accompaniment? Strummed as a rhythm instrument in a band setting?

For each of the above applications, the optimal "acoustic guitar mic" may be different, as will the preamp and subsequent mixing parameters.

Still, check out the recent 3 Zigma CHI mic system. Quite nice.
Let me drill down a bit. What kind of acoustic guitar? Solo fingerstyle? Strummed for singer/songwriter accompaniment? Strummed as a rhythm instrument in a band setting?

For each of the above applications, the optimal "acoustic guitar mic" may be different, as will the preamp and subsequent mixing parameters.

Interesting point, I agree with you. It takes time to find the best mic, but the extra effort definately pays off in the mix. If you have a limited choice of maybe just one great mic, u still can get a workable sound provided you spent the time with mic positioning. When using two mics (or more), much care must be taken to minimize phasing. (also m/s recording is great for recording acoustic guitars)

Josef Horhay
Mixing Engineer
Well, if you're talking about Small Diaphragm Mics for great transients response (assuming that you like this quality of recording), then I'd say Earthworks Mics are the most detailed small diaphragm mics you will ever hear. PERIOD. http://www.earthworksaudio.com/ I've used them for over 3 years now.

Their range of hi-definition mics need to be heard to be believed. They built to be neutral and flat line from 20-50khz +/- 1 db.

an amazing feat of engineering.

Once you've heard the clarity and detail of these mics, you'll be blown away.

However, this type of recording isn't always the most appropriate, sometimes, you wanna impart a color/tone that can only be achieved by large hi-end condensor tube mics.

Josef Horhay
Mixing Engineer

Earthworks are a great choice, but the price!, I live about 10 minutes from the factory and visit every so often.
I have 4 of their older models - the SR69 - and they are something else.
The 69 was sold as a vocal microphone but I put them up in front of a lot of sources and they never cease to amaze me.

Earthworks are a great choice, but the price!, I live about 10 minutes from the factory and visit every so often.
I have 4 of their older models - the SR69 - and they are something else.
The 69 was sold as a vocal microphone but I put them up in front of a lot of sources and they never cease to amaze me.


You live 10 min from the factory? wow. That's pretty a big coincidence.

I've got a matched pair of M50s which is the exact same as the QTC50 except with tighter specs (that's what EW's told me anyway).

It's strange how people really love or hate this mic. In my experience, I've had great sessions using this mic on vocals guitars and drums. Even though the EW mics are highly detailed, I do like hi-end mics like the Neuman 149 Tube Mic on Vocals cos it's got that classic sound that I like (n Great on acoustic guitars too).
You live 10 min from the factory? wow. That's pretty a big coincidence.

I've got a matched pair of M50s which is the exact same as the QTC50 except with tighter specs (that's what EW's told me anyway).

It's strange how people really love or hate this mic. In my experience, I've had great sessions using this mic on vocals guitars and drums. Even though the EW mics are highly detailed, I do like hi-end mics like the Neuman 149 Tube Mic on Vocals cos it's got that classic sound that I like (n Great on acoustic guitars too).

Yeah I go in all the time for years now looking to purchase b-stock but they never sell them they throw them away instead.
So as to not have any on the market that are blemished.
True as the saying goes not every microphone will work in every situation.

Interesting thread! When I play strummed chords on acoustic steel-string my favorite setup is a Blue Blueberry through a Focusrite ISA One.

First post here, BTW! My name is Per, I'm a progressive rock musician from Sweden.

Now Arm, let's not confuse the noob. Regardless of how good his English is, he might miss the fact that you are just kidding! I think a new registration counts as a post, kind of like seed corn. I also detect from Per's rather respectable front end that he's only a noob to this board. Welcome, Per! BTW Armistice, you mentioned a small diaphragm AKG. Are you using C451, C2000B, or what?-Richie
Hahaha, yeah I got it. Here goes my THIRD post :)

"Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. "

And the thread keeps getting more interesting :D

Now back to mics for acoustic guitar!
