Microphone Clips, Help :(


New member
Hey guys :)

I've got a little problem I haven't had to deal with alot in the past. Which is kind of bad but if worse comes to worse I can improvise.

Basically I have on my drum kit a Snare, Kick, Rack Tom and a Floor tom. And I need some way to get the mic's on the drums. I have clips for the mics already but then I need something that clamps onto the kit that I can screw them on to. I've looked in alot of places and can't find anything... any ideas?

Also another mic clip problem is my shock mount for a large diaphragm condenser mic. The area of the shock mount that screws onto the mic stand is really small. I think there may be two standard sized and this is the smaller one.

Out of the 5 mic stands I have none have the smaller scew on bit. I saw one at the music shop for 109$ but I don't have the money to go buying a new mic stand :(

Is there some kind of adapter I can get?

Thanks guys
You should really use regular microphone boom stands for your drum mics, rather than clips. The clips are ok for live playing, but they tend to pick up a lot of vibration which can sound lousy on your recordings.

As for the tiny screw, that is the "european" size. Most mic stands/clips/shockmounts have both. Is there a little slot in it? If so, take a coin or something and twist it out. It's probably just an adapter inside that is making it small.
I'll check that out :)

Thanks for the info mate :D


Lol I just put a knife into the screw in part of the shock mount and started turning - little metal adapter popped right out :D

Thanks man
Scrubs beat me to it, mounting mics on the drums or even clipped to cymbal stands will pick up a lot of unwanted viberations, rattles and other noise. Boom stands may clutter your working area a little but are the best way to go. If boom stands want to tip over because you have them fully extended just add some extra weight to the bases.