Micron, JV-1010, and computer MIDI help


New member
I recently bought a JV-1010 for a very inexpensive price, as the opportunity was available. Now, I'm trying to figure how to set this all up. I'd like my Alesis Micron and my JV-1010 to both have the ability to communicate with the computer. However, I'd also like to have the Micron control the JV-1010 at the same time, so that by altering whether the Micron is set to control the JV-1010, I can choose which sound source is used and taken by the computer.

Is there any way to wire them so I can accomplish this, or will I have to unplug and reinsert wires? Basically, I think what I'm trying to accomplish is have the Micron be a MIDI controller and sound source at the same time. My apologies if any of this is unclear. This whole thing's making my head spin.
With one keyboard and one module it's actually quite simple.

The first step is to break the connection between the Micron's keyboard and the sounds inside by going to the global/utility/midi (I'm not sure what Alesis is calling it these days) and finding the page that controls Local On/Off. Set this parameter to off.

Next, plug the midi out of the Micron into the midi in of the computer interface. Next, plug a midi cable out of the computer into the JV-1010, then use the midi thru of the JV to connect to the Micron midi in. Be sure no channels overlap between the Micron and the JV and you should be in business!